CRTK.utilities module

CRTK.utilities.check_ERC_standard(function_signatures, standard='ERC20')

Check if contract follows certain ERC standards.

input: list, string output: bool

standard - ERC20: Check if the contract follows ERC20. - ERC721: Check if the contract follows ERC721. - ERC777: Check if the contract follows ERC777.


Clean opcode in a opcode list. Drop PUSH-like, DUP-like and SWAP-like opcodes, then replace all LOG-like opcodes with LOG.

input: list of strings output: list of strings

CRTK.utilities.collapse_opcode(opcode_list, collapse)

Collapse opcodes by certain level.

input: list of strings, int output: list of strings

collapse - 0: Count all opcodes including all the PUSH-like, DUP-like and SWAP-like ones. - 1: Collapse all PUSH-like opcodes to PUSH, DUP-like opcodes to DUP, SWAP-like opcodes to SWAP and LOG-like opcode to LOG. - 2: Drop PUSH-like, DUP-like and SWAP-like opcodes, then replace all LOG-like opcodes with LOG. - 3: Drop all PUSH-like, DUP-like, SWAP-like and LOG-like opcodes.


Fix truncated hex strings. ‘4e’ -> ‘0x0000004e’

input: string output: string


Convert function definition to function signature.

input: string output: string


Get function definitions by function siguature-to-definition convertion.

input: list output:list


Get all the funtcion signatures within given opcode.

input: list of lists output: list

structure of an opcode: [address, bytecode, opcode, arguments if exist]


Convert bytecode to opcode list.

input: string output: list of lists

structure of an opcode: [address, bytecode, opcode, arguments if exist]

CRTK.utilities.opcode_occurrence(opcode_list, collapse=0)

Count ccurences of each opcode by a certain opcode sequence.

input: list of strings, int output: dict (string -> int)

collapse - 0: Count all opcodes including all the PUSH-like, DUP-like and SWAP-like ones. - 1: Collapse all PUSH-like opcodes to PUSH, DUP-like opcodes to DUP, SWAP-like opcodes to SWAP and LOG-like opcode to LOG. - 2: Drop PUSH-like, DUP-like and SWAP-like opcodes, then replace all LOG-like opcodes with LOG. - 3: Drop all PUSH-like, DUP-like, SWAP-like and LOG-like opcodes.


Convert function signature to function definition by reverse query. See

input: string output: list

There might be several query results if hash collision encountered and also might be no result due to data vacancy.


Split contract creation code.

input: string output: tuple

structure of contract creation code +———————–+ | Deployment Bytecode | +———————–+ | Runtime Bytecode | +———————–+ | BZZR: Swarm Source | +———————–+ | Constructor Arguments | +———————–+